Today, upwards of 80 Audley employees took on the challenge that is the Audley annual 10k and 2k at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. And what a day it has been!

For many taking part, the 'run up' to this event has involved hours upon hours of running and walking spanning several months, with the most avid runners of course tracking their pace each time and beating their personal bests. Many managed to beat their time in the Audley Annual 10k 2018. As expected there was some friendly competition on the day, with the winner crossing the finish line in under 50 minutes. Well done Jamie Prideaux!

Chantelle, Head Of Sales for Audley Villages and Mayfield Villages went to extremes with her training, travelling to Disneyland Paris to complete a gruelling 5k, 10k and half marathon in one weekend! After only one week's recovery, Chantelle was back at it today, running the 10k for the British Heart Foundation.
Surely you deserve a day off Chantelle.

For others among us (of which I admit to be one), this has been the first 10k ever attempted and I can confidently say that the 5k+ runs in the last few weeks did not leave me completely prepared. That said, my goal was to finish the run. And finish it I did. (The pain on my face is very real!)

What a sense of achievement I share with so many of my colleagues and 'smurfs', including our Audley Care Director Jo Lander, who dedicated Sunday 29th September 2019 to pounding the ten or two kilometres to the finish line, all in aid of the British Heart Foundation.
Next year it could be you. Read our tips on Keeping fit throughout the year
and How to train for a marathon at 60
Paul Morgan, Managing Director of Operations at Audley Group, has been the voice of motivation to us all over the last few months, never missing an opportunity to spur us all on and encourage more training.
The number of people taking part is a reflection of the caring nature of our business and the people we have working in it.
The British Heart Foundation is a vital charity, as we are all too aware that heart conditions will affect our owners, family and even ourselves at some point in our lives. The research that the BHF undertake does and will continue to be able to help people live longer through their efforts – and that could be you or I.
As promised in the email from BHF the day before the event,
All the time and effort you've spent training and fundraising has all built up to this.
They of course didn't warn of the monsoon rains and 40 degree inclines (or so it felt) that we could expect in our long journey to cross the finish line. Despite the weather and those hills, the camaraderie and high spirits of all involved, along with our own sense of personal achievement, made for a thoroughly enjoyable event.

So a huge well done to the 80+ BHF Champions who today powered through the course in torrential rain and accomplished their own personal target! Suffice to say this photo epitomises how many of us felt by the end.
Follow our fundraising journey at justgiving.com/Audley-Group2 (currently at £4,075)
Please dig deep and sponsor Audley Group for all the hard work, effort and aching limbs.