There has never been so much admiration for people working in care, and for many it has sparked a new interest in working in the sector. A career in care is extremely rewarding, although challenging at times. There are some things that only carers know.

In UK Carers Week Katy Salliss, Care Branch Manager at Audley Willicombe Park, shares with us five things that only those working in care know.
Never make assumptions
Every day really is different working in care, we experience so much and meet so many different people. We understand that everyone has their own story and has walked their own path in life, so we never make assumptions and always work in the present.

Avoid wearing red
Colours have a big impact on how people feel and react to certain situations. We have found that often red is associated with blood and danger and blue with calm and water. So, you won’t often see us wearing red, even in our everyday lives. The people we support instantly recognise the Audley Care pink.
Always look at the bigger picture
There can often be more going on than meets the eye when we check in on one of the individuals we care for. We need to make sure we’re always looking at the bigger picture and ask lots of questions so we can understand as much as possible about the current situation.
Read between the lines
In care we always put the needs of those we are caring for first, but sometimes people are reluctant to get the help or support they need. This can be for many reasons such as being concerned about going to hospital or leaving a partner. Understanding this and changing the way we approach the situation always helps. It’s all about reading between the lines.

Be aware of the surroundings
We are very aware of the environment around us when we are working. The dignity of an individual is always at the forefront of our minds when we go to visit someone, whether that be in terms of preserving their independence where we can, and their modesty where they need help. Therefore, we always think to cover them as much as possible, whether this be by closing a curtain when carrying out personal care or asking anyone else in the room to leave.