If you haven’t tried to regrow vegetables from scraps, it is a great activity to try at home. If you do not think you have the space, you might be surprised that all of the following suggestions can be planted in tubs on a balcony or terrace.
You could even challenge any grandchildren to a growing competition.
If you aren’t sure where to start, we spoke to Bruce D’aloia, head chef at The Clevedon at Ben Rhydding, for his tips:

Potatoes and sweet potatoes
If you have an old potato at the back of the cupboard that’s started sprouting this is perfect. Plant it like a flower bulb, and water it regularly.

Onions, shallots and garlic
These can all be regrown from the roots. When you chop the roots off for cooking, keep hold of them and pop them in some soil to start growing again.

Root vegetables
For all root vegetables cut just below the stem, leaving about ½ an inch of the root vegetable attached. Soak the vegetable in water until it starts to root and then they can be planted in soil.

These are grown from the pits, so after you’ve enjoyed your avocado, give the pit a clean, peel off the outer layer and put three to four toothpicks into the top of the pit.
Using the toothpicks for support, place the pit into a jar and fill it with water. Once the root starts to grow and is well established, then plant into soil.